Seudat Hoda'ah


Pictures from Seudat Hoda'ah 2018:


Sunday, April 15th 2018



Wednesday, June 7th 2017


About 30 women and some rabbis attended the Seudat Ho’daah on June 7th 2017.  Six (out of 14) women shared with passion and gratitude to Hashem, for the inner resources that carried them through the grueling ordeal of being an agunah.  Special blessings and thanks were showered on Esther Macner for her tireless efforts at Get Jewish Divorce Justice and Rabbi Yehudah Warburg of the International Beit Din for the hearings held in LA that brought some their freedom.  Rabbi Moises Ben Zaquen gave words of Torah and Chizzuk, including that women who will hopefully be ready to remarry will have Orthodox rabbonim in LA that would happily conduct the weddings. May we proceed from strength to strength.
Sunday, April 20th 2016